Autumn Beard Styles
The popularity for beards is certainly not diminishing as World Beard Day on 3 September proved. The beard has now firmly established itself as a positive feature that enhances style and masculinity. The trend continues this autumn for well-cut and maintained beard styles.
This autumn there are some favourite beard styles emerging. If you decide that you’d like a beard, it’s well worth taking time to decide which will suit your shape of face and lifestyle. Some beard styles can also disguise minor flaws which can be an added bonus and of course, a well-kept beard is not detrimental to the skin at all – and in fact, can offer it some protection from the elements going from autumn in to the winter months.
How do I know what beard style to grow?
If you’ve decided to grow a beard this autumn, unless you’re opting for the well-kept stubble look you need to learn how your beard grows so that you can grow the best beard for you.
It’s a good idea to let your beard grow naturally for one month. Then you’ll need to trim it regularly to keep it looking as smart as possible for the work environment and fashion.Â
By this stage you will get a good idea about the density and texture of the hair on your face. You will be able to see if the hair is growing evenly and thickly or whether there is patchy growth as this will determine which beard style will be best as it’s a case of working with what you have!
Needless to say, a nice thick beard gives you the most options.
Once you’ve learnt about the hair and the way your beard grows, you have to consider which beard styles will suit not only your hair growth, but the shape of your face. It’s important to have a beard that gives your face an oval shape as this keeps your face symmetrical and in proportion.
If you’re unsure about which style to opt for, why not pop along to your nearest traditional barber for advice? If you have a particular style in mind, take a picture along with you.
If your beard has grown through thick, you can choose to keep it really short or to wear it slightly longer. If your beard is patchy, it is best to opt for a really short beard and the ideal is well-kept stubble. If you do try to grow a longer beard, it will soon look straggly and unkempt. Luckily, if your beard is patchy, you’ll have a struggle to grow hair on your cheeks, but this autumn precision cut beards with clean cheeks are trending which is ideal, so focus on growing your beard on your jawline only instead.
It’s important to consider which beard style will match the hair on your head as the fashion this autumn is for both to be kept well-trimmed and in top condition. Lifestyle is also a factor as beards do need regular maintenance.Â
And the top Autumn styles for 2022…
Well-kept Stubble
The stubble beard is continuing to be popular because it’s a beard style that suits everybody. The stubble beard is easy to cultivate because you just stop shaving for a week! The art is to shape your stubble beard and moustache so they have well-defined edges and to keep the stubble perfectly trimmed. Applying moisturiser regularly will keep your beard soft and in top condition.Â
Smart short beards
This style has gained in popularity because men are finding that they are relatively easy to grow and look good both for formal occasions and leisure moments.
There are several variations and the good news is that short beard styles suit everyone. Ideally the hair should be no longer than 1.5 inches and the shape of the beard should be clearly defined with the neck clean shaven and you need to trim your beard regularly.
The newest short beard styles are without a moustache which definitely makes a bold statement.   Â
The Duck tail makes a comebackÂ
Once again, the ‘duck tail beard’ is becoming a more common sight. It is a slightly longer beard and is proving a popular style with celebrities. As the name implies, this slightly longer beard, is trimmed into the perfect shape of a ducks tail – but the rest of the beard is left a little rugged so it is the perfect combination!                                                           Â
The Beardstache
This style of beard is one that people love or hate, but it seems to be holding its own amongst the styles for Autumn 2022. The moustache is worn well-trimmed and full, while in contrast the beard is well-kept stubble.
Going ‘full circle’
This particular style is popular with the business world because it looks smart. It is based on the letter shape of ‘o’ and comprises of a neat and very well-trimmed moustache, an equally well-tamed goatee and a slim beard and extremely short beard along the jawline. It is definitely a smart style but is relatively high maintenance as it has to be precisely cut and kept neat and tidy.
This is the style that has recently been seen worn by Leonardo di Caprio.
The Yearbeard
While most of this season’s beard styles are short and well-manicured, there are a couple of popular styles for longer beards.
You may like the look of this attractive full beard, but the trouble is that to grow one will take a full year – hence its name! The secret is to keep it as tidy as possible – without cutting too much off which will defeat the purpose!
As your beard grows, it is important to keep the hair in really good condition using quality beard shampoo, beard oil and moisturiser. Â
Whichever style of beard you opt for, wear it with pride this autumn and keep it in top condition – it will certainly get you noticed…..Â