Our Recycling Ethos

GFCC are proud to be part of a growing number of people who are looking to make sustainable, ethical choices around the products we choose to buy. We feel passionately about making mens face care products in the most sustainable and environmentally friendly way possible.
We're actively learning as much as we can about the end of life of our products by consulting recycling industry experts to ensure that the products we create can be widely recycled.
We will do whatever we can to help recycle our products.
How To Recycle Our Packaging...
Whether packaging gets recycled is very much dependent on the area you live. The recycling process is complicated and there are a few reasons why packaging could potentially be rejected before being recycled. This process is continually changing and improving. However we hopefully will see an improvement in all areas over the next few years, for example recycling plants accepting black plastics.
Here at GFCC, we can't guaranteed that our packaging will be recycled (as we aren't the ones doing the recycling) but we encourage our customers to still put all of our products in to the recycling.
In general, the best way to prepare your GFCC product packaging is to wash all containers where possible and remove any labels. The reason for removing the label is that some UV scanners will read the plastic type of the label instead of the actual plastic type of the pot or bottle.
Generally speaking, recycling needs to have no more than 5% contamination, this means it doesn't need to be perfectly clean, whilst being mostly cleaned out.
The Key Steps To Recycling GFCC Products
1. When recycling bottles, give the bottle a quick rinse first.
2. Remove the label, squash the bottle, then replace the cap
3. Place in to the relevant recycling bin.
Why Keep Caps On GFCC Beard Oil Bottles...
Due to the mechanical recycling process currently in place in recycling plants here in the UK, small items (less than 80mm) are likely to not get recycled as materials often go through a giant tumbler, which means these small items are likely to fall through.
This is why caps should always be left on bottles so they also get recycled, no matter what colour they are.
Our Beard Balm Tins
Have you thought about using it for something else, such as storing small items in?
1. Give it a quick rinse, it doesn't have to be spotless, but a quick clean is preferable
2. Remove the label
3. Pop it in your recycling bin
Our Shaving Cream Pots
1. When recycling plastic pots, give them a quick rinse to get them as clean as possible.
2. Remove the label.
3. Place both the pot and lid in to the relevant recycling bin.
Check With Your Local Council
Recycling around the UK does vary from council to council and unfortunately this is something beyond our control. If you are unsure what your council will take to recycle, you should check on their website or contact them directly.
If you're not sure how to get in touch with your council you can use the following links...
We hope that this helped you to gain some insight into how to recycle our products
We are still learning a great deal and are hoping to bring a lot more innovation to our products in the future to help continue to minimise our impact on the environment.
Whilst there is plenty of information about recycling online, we suggest you visit the the industry body - Recycle Now and read their guide on recycling symbols explained or check on your local council website to find the most up to date and specific information to your locality.