There’s no doubt about it beards are the in look at the moment and have been for the last few years and don’t look like they’re going anywhere anytime soon. Combine a well cared for beard and a sleeve of tattoos and you’re looking at the on trend appearance that many men are aspiring to get these days.
To get the most from a beard, there are a few things you need to take care of…
- Decide on the look of your beard before you start – Do you want a short and sculpted beard or a long, freestyle look
- Stick to your plan – It won’t look they way you want it to straight away, but don’t be tempted to change direction too soon.
- Take care of it – Growing a beard is only the beginning. Once you have the beard you want, you need to maintain it. Regular washing, oiling and conditioning are all parts of a new routine that you need to embrace to get the most from your facial fuzz.
It can take some time to get used your new look and for others to get used to seeing you with it, but once you’ve accepted it and got in to a routine for keeping it looking healthy, then you won’t look back.