Why We Love Badgers – Funny Badger Stories
Here at Gentlemans Face Care Club we love nature and wildlife and don’t see any reason why animals should suffer in the creation, testing or manufacture of our products.
We’re proud to support charities that protect wildlife and especially Badgers – like our own local ‘Calderdale Badgers Trust’. (Our particular interest is due to the unnecessarily cruel use of Badger hair to make shaving brushes in the far east) – a practise that we shun entirely and the very reason why we became one of the first UK suppliers to use synthetic bristles instead.
Happily the bristles we use for our brushes also happen to be far superior quality to Badger hair – all Badgers will be pleased to hear that!!
Anyway we thought it would be nice to share a few funny stories about Badgers which we found here –https://www.badgerland.co.uk/news/funnies.html and have added an excerpt below…
Smart thinking: The owner of an animal sanctuary in Great Haseley, Oxfordshire, has ordered a Burberry dog coat for a badger whose fur didn’t grow back after it moulted.
Update: By all accounts, this little badger cub (called “Wilf”) is on the road to recovery and is slowly re-growing his fur.
Less-than-smart thinking: A Shropshire woman ran over a badger one night. Seeing the poor animal stranded at the side of the road, she stopped, performed a quick examination, and reckoned it to be concussed. To help the badger keep warm, she took off her coat and placed it over the badger; and then walked to the nearest house to phone for help. Of course, when she returned, not only had the badger gone, but it had taken her coat too, along with her car keys (which she’d left in her coat pocket)!
A woman from Uckfield, Sussex, has started cooking curry twice a week to feed a badger after it polished off the remains of an Indian takeaway left in her garden.
Bloated Badger: A badger was in some-one’s garden when it caught the smell of some deluxe cat food left in a dish inside a kitchen. The badger went through the cat-flap and ate all the cat food and other foods from the cupboards.
It ate so much it’s stomach swelled up and it could no longer get out of the cat-flap.
Why not do a quick search for your local area and see if there are any organisations that protect Badgers near you that you can make a small donation to – Every little helps