Top Ten Beard Styles In 2022
Fashion experts predict that 2022 is definitely going to be another popular year for beards. Having said that, there are certainly styles of beard that will be trending and others that will be pushed to one side
It is interesting that although men have had beards since prehistoric times, they have only been grown in definite styles in the last few hundred years.
This is because in ancient times, beards were grown for warmth and intimidation, but nowadays, beards are stylish as they mirror fashion and are also seen as symbols of masculinity and status.
Beards continue to be popular in 2022 and the great news that there are many fashionable styles to choose from so there will definitely be one that complements your face, style and character. Things have gone full circle too and if you are not confident of styling your beard yourself, you can pay a regular visit to a traditional barber who will be able to create the beard style for you.
Here are the 10 top beard styles for 2022:
The Stubble Beard or ‘Designer Stubble’
This style of beard continues to be a popular choice – not only because it is ‘cool’ and trendy, but because it is so easy to grow! It is the style much loved by David Beckham.
It gets its name because many men can literally grow it in a day! If they shave first thing in the morning, they find they have the start of a definite beard by early evening.
To grow this look may actually take 3-5 days and to maintain it, you will need to use an electric trimmer to cut the hair really close to the face rather than shaving it off.
This style of beard suits all shapes of face and is the ‘ideal halfway house’ for those who would like a beard, but don’t want a larger, fuller beard
The Boxed Beard
Another universally popular style of beard is the ‘boxed beard’. This style of beard is slightly longer and more defined than the ‘Five O’clock Shadow’ and must be kept really well-trimmed to look smart as it is very angular and used to frame the jawline. Again, this is a beard style that suits all face shapes, but particularly oval or oblong.
The facial hair can be kept short or grown to a medium or long length. The short boxed beard takes about 2-3 months to grow. The key to success is to pay great attention to your neck and carefully shave all the hair away so that the beard has a strong straight line and this must be mirrored by carefully shaving the cheeks as this will give the beard a strong angular shape
This beard style is usually paired with a well-trimmed moustache with the lips clearly visible.
Short Chin Strap Beard.
This style was first created in the 18th century and was considered a refined style as it was worn by such people as Abraham Lincoln.
More recently, a big fan of the short chin strap has been Lewis Hamilton. This beard style is versatile and varied but with it, much of the neck and cheeks are kept shaven while the beard defines the profile of the face and jawline and there is little hair around the lip area.
This style of beard is a good choice for those who have patchy hair growth as it is not so noticeable when the beard is light.
A recent spin on the look has been the introduction of a small goatee beard.
The Beardstache
If you are feeling like a change and want to try a medium-length beard, the Beardache is great as it is stylish and very masculine but it has to be perfectly maintained. The beard and moustache are perfectly balanced so the moustache is naturally thicker and can even have a dramatic flick upwards at the ends if you wish.
The Balbo Beard
Versatile and popular, once again the Balbo beard is high in the fashion stakes for 2022. The style looks relaxed and easy to wear but actually has three very exacting criteria!
The first is that the beard is entirely separate from the moustache. There is a small and well-defined goatee below the lower lip and only a light beard along the jaw line – this can either be connected to the goatee or kept separate from it.
There are no rules for the length of the beard and wearers can choose to have side burns too. The good news with the Balbo is that it is a style that works well with patchy beards as the key places you need hair is above and below the lip and along the jawline and these areas are usually not the troublesome spots for hair growth.
The Verdi Beard
Enjoying a huge renaissance this year will be the Verdi beard that is a medium length beard that was first worn in the 19th century by the famous Italian composer Guiseppe Verdi. Since then it has come in and out of fashion but this year 2022 it is definitely IN!
It looks artistic and it has long been associated with royalty. The beard should be 7-10cm in length and in a rounded shape. If you want, you can be flamboyant with a flicked up moustache that lies on top of the beard. It is also perfectly acceptable to have sideburns sweeping into the beard.
This type of beard take 4-8 months to grow. Beard oil will help to get your beard in good condition. The
Power Beard
As beards get a little longer they definitely start to get a character of their own! If your beard is 10- 15 cm it will need plenty of maintenance to keep it looking good and you will need to master some beard styling techniques!
This is reflected in the name of this beard style as this type of beard is a serious beard and with clever styling can either look rugged and ideal for the outdoors or contemporarily styled and mean business!
This type of beard will take 5-8 months to grow and it is essential that the hair is kept well hydrated and oiled as it will encourage hair growth and prevent the skin underneath from drying out.
Classic Long Beard
If you have the time and patience to grow a long beard, then 2022 is a good year to do so!
The new style long beards are well defined, tidy and kept in pristine condition – which is time-consuming. You need to regularly wash and moisturise the beard with beard oil and keep it regularly trimmed to look smart.
To be classified as a ‘long beard’ the hair must be 15cm (6 in) in length. You can choose the length of your beard, to have side burns or not and to keep your cheeks well shaven as these will all add up to a stylish and modern long beard. The
Viking Beard
If you want to let your beard do its own thing, why not plump for a Viking beard?
A Viking beard is long and full and meant to look natural and untamed, but having said that, your beard still needs to look in good condition and well-nourished.
There are variations on the look but one that will certainly be raising eyebrows is the return of the braided Viking which is how the Vikings themselves wore their beards!
Grow a 2022 Yeard
The yeard is a beard that’s been grown for a full one year. Beards grow at different rates, but an average speed of growth is about 1-2 cm a month. So by the time the year is up, you should be sporting a full long beard.
If this is what you decide to aim for, you will need to keep your beard well-trimmed as it grows as you will find hairs growing in all directions. The Yeard is classically a rounded beard like a longer version of the Power Beard.
As you are growing your beard, you will have to consider what hair cut you will have to complement it – ideally short and precisely cut so that the total look is smart and well cared for. You may on the other hand decided to follow the growing trend and shave your head completely…. Decisions … decisions…
Whichever style you decide on, it is important to keep it look really good and not only trim it regularly, but regularly moisture both your beard and the skin under it.