Top 3 Scents For Mens Face Care Products This Year…
What does your favourite scent say about your choice of mens face care products?
Do you prefer, spicy, woody or citrus aromas for your mens face care products and aftershaves. Like clothes, there are scents which work well with the particular seasons.
Whereas spring and summer are a time for light, fresh scents, winter suits the darker, deeper, richer aromas. Spicy, woody and citrusy scents work wonderfully at the end of an old year, and the beginning of a new one.
So let’s have a closer look at some of the scents that are commonly added to mens face care products within those three categories and see what it says about you…
Mens Face Care Products With Woody Scents
There’s something wise and reassuring about woody scents. Maybe they impart some of the wisdom of the trees they were extracted from?
Cedarwood is a gorgeous, resinous, aromatic scent which is reminiscent of old fashioned libraries crammed full of books and leather couches. It has been used for centuries for both its perfume and its medicinal properties. It is still burned as incense in the temples of Tibet. Regarded by many as a masculine fragrance, it is a popular ingredient in Men’s aftershaves and colognes. It is also very good in skin care products as it is packed full of anti-inflammatories and antiseptics which can help deal with acne and flare-ups on the face. In the practice of aromatherapy it is said to stimulate the flow of blood through the body, but it is also good for easing the stresses and tensions of the mind.
Goes well with neroli, lemon, vanilla, patchouli, vetiver and black pepper.
Sandalwood is often used in many mens face care products, luxury soaps and bathing products. It has a softer, sweeter, creamier more oriental aroma than cedarwood. As well as having an exquisitely soothing scent which will linger for hours, it too is a useful ingredient in skin care products as, like cedarwood, it contains anti-inflammatories.
Goes well with orange, geranium, lavender and grapefruit.
Though it is a fruit, the scent of fig in most men’s fragrances is more woody and earthy than fruity. It is sweet but in a deep, sticky molasses way rather than a sugary confectionary way. Heady, decadent, slightly musky and mysterious, the complex fragrance of fig is a winter winner especially when blended with vanilla. In Greek mythology the Olympians were paid for their athletic achievements with figs. Whilst the fruits are potent little bombs packed full of minerals, the oils extracted from the seeds can be used in facial products to improve the softness and elasticity of the skin, or in shampoos and conditioners to hydrate, smooth and strengthen the hair.
Goes well with vanilla, black pepper and bergamot.
Citrusy scents
Though light fruity scents are often associated with summer, there are some fruity scents that work very well in winter, especially when blended with spice.
Orange has a cosy, generous, rounded aroma. It is heady, bold, bright and uplifting. In aromatherapy it is regarded as an anti-depressant so it’s a perfect oil to add to the bath before you have a long relaxing soak.
Goes well with clove, cinnamon, rosemary, basil and fennel.
Bergamot is a little lighter and more zesty and peppery than orange and, like sandalwood, can often be found in colognes and aftershaves. It is known to be one of the main ingredients in the ‘original’ Eau de cologne created by Johann- Maria Farina in 1709. It has a refined and dignified aroma which is used to flavour Earl Grey tea. It is also said to relieve tension and anxiety.
Goes well with ylang-ylang, black pepper, vanilla, nutmeg, lavender and patchouli.
Spicy Scents In Mens Face Care Products
Spices sing of warmer climes but they also sing of cosiness, of mulled wine, rum punch, gingerbread and evenings snuggled up by the fire.
The queen of winter spices is cinnamon, bassy and gregarious. Cinnamon gives you a kick-start. It improves the circulation and helps shift lethargy whilst making you smell good enough to eat!
Goes well with rose, lemon, cardamom and geranium.
And finally, vanilla, possibly the most comforting of the spices. It can be sickly and overbearing, especially if it’s a synthetic blend, but a good natural vanilla makes a great mate for woody or citrusy scents. Its delicious aroma is said have aphrodisiac properties and in aromatherapy it is used to aid relaxation and combat insomnia.
Goes well with lavender, rose, frankincense, basil and black pepper.
So, if you’re wondering how you can tune into the seasons with scent for your favourite mens face care products, hopefully these suggestions might help you to choose the perfect one for you.