Beard Growth Products – Do They Really Work?
Beards are continuing to be a popular trend for men. Beard styles range from the 5 o’clock shadow, classic medium length beards with thick coverage to full length beards.
The 2020 pandemic gave many men the opportunity to grow a beard for the first time in their lives whilst working from home. Modern beards are kept in top condition, well trimmed, soft and manageable and this means looking after them. To do this you’ll likely go online to find something that you can use to make the job easier. Beard growth products – do they work?
The answer is a resounding ‘yes’!
The range of specialist beard growth products has increased enormously to satisfy the demand of the modern man. Gone are ‘easy to manage,’ straggly, dry beards that were wiry to touch and unsightly to look at… Instead the new look is a well-groomed precisely trimmed beard that is complemented by an equally good hair cut, and occasionally a tattoo or two!
Men are proud of their beards and are now adopting a regular beard care routine to ensure that their beards always look their best. We suggest looking carefully at the range of beard growth products available and how they should be used. Beards need good upkeep or they can look awful, but grooming them will certainly pay off….
Wash Your Beard Regularly – But Not With Soap
You would be amazed how dirty a beard can get, with food, dust and a build up of oils. In the past, beards were hurriedly washed using soap, but for many men this was far from satisfactory. When you’re washing your beard, you are washing the skin underneath it too, so soap is far too drying for this.
Beards need to be washed 3-4 times a week. It is best to buy a shampoo that is specifically designed for beards as it will have been made with special botanicals that will help moisturise the hair, its follicles and your skin. Special beard shampoos will also help to prevent beard dandruff. Wash your beard with shampoo and then rinse it thoroughly with warm water.
Always Use A Beard Conditioner
The skin underneath your beard can get dry and scratchy – especially in the early days – and the solution is to use beard conditioner. Using a good beard conditioner after each wash will ensure your beard stays really healthy and the skin underneath is nourished to prevent dryness. You will find that using a beard conditioner will also tame your beard – making it easier to handle.
Pour a little conditioner (about the size of 10p coin) onto your palm and then gently massage it into your beard. Leave the beard conditioner for a few moments to work its magic and then gently rinse it out with warm water. Pat your beard dry with a soft clean towel.
There are several leave-in beard conditioners on the market so it is best to experiment and see which works best for you.
Regularly Apply Beard Growth Products Like Beard Oil
Beard oil really does work and after a few weeks, you will be able to feel the difference in your beard. Beard oil can be applied first thing in the morning a few times every week. A few drops of beard oil lightly massaged into your beard will soon have it looking really well nourished and will help prevent your skin feeling itchy. Beard oil will make your beard more manageable and helps keep the hair follicles hydrated which will encourage your beard to grow. A huge bonus is that beard oil makes your beard smell really good too.
Rejuvenate Your Beard With Restoring Balm
For whatever reason, if you are reading this and feeling that your beard needs some serious help as you have been neglecting it, you will be pleased to hear that help is at hand! Restoring beard balm works in a similar way to beard oil, but is anti-bacterial. With regular use, your beard will soon be in much better condition and will grow healthily.Â
Brush Your Beard Daily
This tip might come as a surprise, but brushing your beard every day will add to its good condition and really help your beard to grow. When you brush your beard it helps to distribute the natural oils in your beard and stimulate the blood flow underneath it which in turn helps get nutrients to your beard. If your beard growth is patchy, it can sometimes be because of slower blood flow – this is common on cheeks.
The best time to brush your beard is when you apply your beard oil. The best type of brush to use is one made with Vegan friendly synthetic bristles. If you have a short beard, a brush with soft short bristles is best, but if you have a longer beard, a brush with firm bristles will be more effective.
If you plan to grow your beard a little longer, a beard comb will be useful for getting rid of any tangles and traditionalists will quickly add that a wooden comb is best!
The correct way to brush your beard is upwards first and then downwards as this encourages growth.
Use Beard Wax To Style And Shape Your Beard
Although this beard product does not actually help your beard to grow, a small amount can be used to encourage hair to grow in the right direction and can be used to add shape to longer wilder beards and to generally streamline them! Put just a little wax on your finger tip and gently stroke onto your beard where needed.
Trim Your Beard Regularly To Promote Growth
Just like a regular hair cut ensures that your hair is in good condition, with no dry ends, trimming your beard will have the same benefits. You’ll need to trim your beard every 6-8 weeks to keep it in good condition and to promote growth. A good quality electric beard trimmer with a selection of attachments is perfect for the job. Those with longer beards may find a comb and scissors easier, with less chance of cutting a chunk out of your beard. If you lack confidence, many barbers offer a beard trimming service.  Â
Like all good things in life, it takes time to grow a really good beard and to have it looking the way you want. You can achieve this quicker using a variety of beard growth products and once you have, you will receive plenty of positive attention from everyone who sees you.